Basement Leaks

Water coming into your basement

from the top of your foundation walls

is leaking thru the bricks on your home.

We’ve been solving this problem for 30 yrs.
Find out how you can reclaim a dry basement for your home!


Basement leaks are a common across America. Water in your basement is not always the result of  ground water or poor drainage. It can be leaking from the base flashing beneath the bricks on your home!.


Defective base flashing beneath the bricks of your home allows water in… that should go out the weep holes in the mortar joints at the bottom of the brick walls.

 More important than the weep holes is the base flashing beneath the bricks of your home. It sits atop of the foundation, under the bricks and you cannot see it. This flashing is so important because it stops water from coming into the home from atop the foundation wall. If water is coming down from the top of your foundation wall then you will need your flashing repaired or replaced.

Defective flashing is the source for  millions in un-insured damages to American homes every year. People spend tens of thousand of dollars attempting to fix these leaks without addressing the source: leaking flashing.

The following picture explains what to look for to know if the water in your basement is from leaking base flashing.

If the water in your basement is coming from the top of the foundation wall and not from cracks in the wall or floor then you likely have defective brick base flashing.

Look at how the damp basement wall in this photo shows the water leak coming down from the top of the foundation wall in this picture? This is a sure sign that your basement water issues are from the brick base flashing. Don’t spend thousands on other repairs until you know the whole story.

Prevent mold, dampness and termites by having your flashing replaced. Click here for detailed pics and explanation of how Handy Home Pro solves a leaking basement for one of their clients.