Garage Lintel Replacement 1

Garage lintel replacement is becoming more frequent as homes and buildings age. The steel used to support brick or stone work above doors and openings … [Read more...]

Brick Step Repair

Brick step repair is a common inquiry we receive at our office. Brick steps always experience deterioration over a period of time especially in the … [Read more...]

Support Column Installation

It sometimes amazes me what people will do on the inside of their homes especially when it comes to support columns. Now I understand that not … [Read more...]

Crack Repair

We receive inquiries for these types of crack repairs all the time. Someone hires another mason to perform a crack repair and after the work is … [Read more...]

Window Lintel Replacement

Window lintel replacement request are growing because building and homes are getting older and need ongoing maintenance to keep the building in shape. … [Read more...]

Caulking Repair – Driveway Joints Cause Problems

If every home in Cincinnati had a solid caulking repair installed on their driveways there wouldn't be so many concrete drives that look like roller … [Read more...]

Truss Repair Due to Shrinkage

A call for a truss repair isn't the usual type of call that I receive on any given business day. Though really quite unusual it is surprising that I … [Read more...]

Masonry Crack Repair – Protect Your Property

A masonry crack repair is a common repair application for homes and businesses but few masons seem interested nor proficient enough to perform a … [Read more...]

Painted Brick Repair

Painted brick will often hide the beginning stages of deterioration in masonry because the paint, acting like a glue,  will hold damaged and separated … [Read more...]

Chimney Repair – Just Take That Old Chimney Down!

Sometimes a chimney repair isn't a chimney repair... or is it? The truth is that sometimes it is more economical and prudent just to take an old stack … [Read more...]